Browsing category Logos

Every Yacht Needs a Name

A name and a logo
My client who lives in Dallas, referred WileyDesign to his friend who had just purchased a yacht and needed help in creating a the boat's name and logo. Because of his Swedish heritage he wanted a viking theme. They decided on the name — it would be called Norseman. The logo? He and his wife had an idea of what they wanted — a crest, perhaps with laurel leaves and images that represented their Florida cruising adventures, and at the last minute they wanted to add an "H" to represent their last name. The photos show the final result. They now have embroidered hats, napkins, a flag, and there was talk about imprinting cocktail glasses and maybe making a chrome relief of the logo for placement on the back railing of the boat. We have some happy boaters.  Now I just need to catch a ride. :)  

Consistency Infers Trustworthiness

Perception is important. Research shows that consistent branded visuals can substantially increase your visibility and trustworthiness.

Logo Design — Before and After
Energy Feeds International is a leading provider of feed supplements to the dairy industry. An inhouse branding strategy led them to change the NAME and VISUAL LOGO for several of their key products. The design goal was CONSISTENCY and to keep their existing color palette for each product, but create a "product family" to reinforce the high recognition factor of the Magna name. Here are the logos, before and after the design update.   Updating the packaging with the new logo was simple because the color scheme remained the same. Did you know...research shows visual consistency is the #1 element that instills trust with your customers? This also rings true for customer service and quality control.
MagnaBlend feed bag with new logo
Website Design Success
Energy Feeds International's website designed by WileyDesign and Six Degrees Studio several years ago is still performing very nicely for them. Check it out here  

My Logo Closet #3

Revealing more images from my logo closet—drawer #3.
Telling the client's story through images... These logo concepts were shelved in exchange for another more delineative concept, but I thought they were worth showing. Contact WileyDesign if you are interested in a logo design for your company.      
For a mattress store
Sleep Naturally. Wake Up Refreshed.
Science and Nutrition—Naturally
Good communication is the foundation for success

These logo concepts are the property of WileyDesign. Modifications of the concepts are available for purchase.

My Logo Closet #2

Revealing more images from my logo closet—drawer #2.
Constant noodling to get it right for the client... these concepts have been left behind for another more suitable logo. Contact WileyDesign if you are interested in a logo design for your company.  
Women reaching their leadership potential
Collaboration, alignment, networking
Top of the Line
Above amazing, greatness
Unleashing Greatness

These logo concepts are the property of WileyDesign. Modifications of the concepts are available for purchase.

My Logo Closet #1

Dear Logo Concepts: It's time to come out of the closet. I've been ignoring you over the past decade! It might be nervy to expose you since, well... you have been forgotten for years, but I still love you. I know, it's true, another more suitable concept was developed for the client and you were (sadly) left in the closet untaken. But let's brush off the dust and take another look, starting with closet drawer #1.

Helping small businesses achieve unforgettably excellent customer service.
Reminding us of the influence we have over others.
Speaking about the future of communications.
For a psychologist/film buff.
How do you describe Infinite Intelligence? Something like this?

These concepts are the property of WileyDesign. Modifications of the graphics are available for purchase.

Logos: they have deep roots in history

"A picture is worth a thousand words," they say.
The desire to create a brand, a pictorial icon to represent you or your team, your mission or your endeavor, has deep roots in history. For centuries, crests, monograms and the use of symbols have been utilized to reflect individual people, families and their organizations, beliefs and history. From a historical perspective, let's look at the Medici Family, rooted in Italy: their intricate coat of arms, and -- the distinctive balls -- the characteristic that sets their seal apart from all of the other seals of the time. MediciLogoWhat do those balls represent? Why was the crest designed the way it was? According to one theory, (and there are many), the armorial bearings of the Medici supposedly represent pills, because medici in Italian means "physicians." Another more plausible explanation is that the Medici adopted the round balls because those symbols were associated in the public mind with money lending and credit. The Medici family was very influential in their time. During my stay in Italy, I saw their coat of arms displayed all over Florence and other Tuscan cities. A logo is meant to be consistent and lasting (especially if it is cast in stone!) But the mission or legacy behind a logo or "coat of arms" goes much deeper. It will represent everything you do, who you are, why you do what you do, how you act and what you produce.
This wall, located in Cortona, Italy, is embedded with many crests.