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Apocalyptic Underground of WWI

WileyDesign creates logo for doctor, artist and explorer: Jeff Gusky
Photography exhibit now on display at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum

Hidden in France’s forests, mountains and underground lies a vast apocalyptic landscape… a Pompeii of modern mass destruction that enables us to see and to feel the origins of modern terror.  WWI was a disaster of incomprehensible, inhuman scale.

Watch ABC News video interview

Dallas emergency physician, artist and explorer, Jeff Gusky, was the first person to be allowed to photograph the underground artifacts. The area was not widely known about, and sits on private property. His fine art photos are now on display at the Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian and were also featured along with an article in National Geographic Magazine.

Jeff’s mission as an explorer and artist is identical to his mission as an emergency physician: to help people in crisis find hope and the courage to face imminent danger . . . and then chart a path through that danger to safety. He strives to inspire belief in the future by encouraging people to ask questions about modern life we’ve forgotten how to ask, and by teaching people to see how the scale of modern life and technology undermine conscience and numb the self-protective instincts so critical to staying safe in a time of terror. He encourages people to rediscover their moral compass in modern life by getting comfortable again with just being human and embracing imperfection that is human nature itself.

Jeff is on a citizen’s journey to discover hope and resolve in the face of modern dehumanization.

WileyDesign just completed Jeff's logo (shown above) and is developing the business collateral for his speaking and filming engagements.