"Here I am getting farm dirt out of my nails after picking kale and mustard greens. Now I am in my office watching momma bird feed her hatchlings just outside my window while listening to the girls jump on the trampoline next door—then all is still on the trampoline...they sit cross-legged and serious as they pontificate their 10-year-old dilemmas. Somewhere a screen door slams, and finally I am content to return to my work."

Carol at her summer rental at Nyland

A Design for Community Living


[ This is part 1 of a 3-part blog on “design and community living” ]

Nyland: A Devine Design

Nyland is a cohousing community in Lafayette, Colorado, just north of Louisville and 7 miles east of Boulder. For me, finding Nirvana (Nyland) began a couple of years ago when I watched the movie “Happy” on Netflix one evening. According to the movie narrative, there are many facets to creating a happy environment, but one theme that stood out was community—seeing the same people frequently, sharing productive activities, eating meals together, feeling fulfilled by performing an important role, feeling cared about, knowing that someone would help you out when you need it, and visa versa.

After watching that movie, Happy, and subsequently having an epiphany about cohousing… [I want that!] I visited several “intentional” communities in the Denver area. To me, Nyland stood out far and above because of its people and their devotion to the spirit of the vision, its established (25 yr old) tried and true methods of running the community, the old fashioned character of its houses, the mountain views, the farm and the surrounding rural atmosphere. Not to mention the accessibility to Boulder and all it has to offer.

I began visiting every few months or so, coming to community meetings and land work days. The people here did reconize my efforts and I felt welcomed. Now nearly 2 years later I have sold my house and I am living here for 3 months. I am hopeful to find a more permanent spot in this serene space. The stories that follow on this blog will be my tale of a summer at Nyland, a place that I believe is imperfectly perfect.

The Land, The Vision

Nyland’s common vision is a physically and emotionally safe community where children play on the walkways, neighbors lend each other a hand, tools and resources are shared, and nature coexists peacefully in surrounding open spaces.

Nyland has been around in spirit since 1988. The founders dreamed, met and discussed for two years before there was even a piece of land to come to. Once the land was purchased from Mr. Nyland, it took another two years of planning and building before move-in began. Finding ways to meld so many different personalities and goals into something approaching a cohesive community has been a rewarding challenge for the founders. The community continues to change and evolve.

Why It Works
  • Nyland was built to foster everyday interaction with the use of walkways to the houses, instead of roads
  • The community house is the center for shared meals, events, meetings, classes, art/exercise/kids’ rooms
  • Work, chores or participation in a committee is expected of all home owners and renters, and recorded by hours
  • Gentle reminders via the email system keeps people in touch with community needs and news
  • Well organized events and a contagious welcoming spirit, keeps people feeling connected
  • Having fun is important, doused with creativity, character, warmth, and genuine caring about each other
  • Resolution methods for conflicts are a big topic and shared through retreats, meetings and a special “well being” group that creates support systems to help people handle conflicting personalities or differences of opinion.


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